Download our Top Tips for Successful Multilingual Projects
we make your words
work worldwide
but how do we keep our international clients happy?
Discuss your needs with us directly – phone us on +44 (0)1895 605 165 or +33 (0)3 85 59 65 25
Taking your business international is stressful
… so you need the right kind of support.
You need a language partner who doesn’t just say “yes, yes, yes”.
You need a language partner who listens, asks intelligent questions, and gives smart advice. Then delivers something that makes your overseas partners happy – and makes your overseas prospects buy into your brand, products and services.
You need us.
We specialise exclusively in translating high-profile stuff. By which we mean, stuff that makes a difference. That creates and reinforces a brand. Communicates an idea. Sells products and services.
To do that, we analyse not just your copy, but your underlying ideas, messages and intentions. We focus on your audience before we start focusing on the language. And then we find the right style, based on what you want to achieve.
We ask you thought-provoking questions (rather than making glib promises). So we can establish exactly what your needs are. Then we give you intelligent feedback. Sometimes that feedback is so valuable, it changes the way you approach the market.
You’re amping your brand, but you’re not sure of the best approach? When we recreate your taglines and slogans, we provide multiple options, annotating and explaining our approach in each case. So you can discuss them in depth with your overseas reps. More often than not, you’ll get the tagline you need immediately, with no time-wasting iterations. By anticipating your anxieties and needs, we take much of the stress out of your international campaigns.
The Word Gym difference

Important people
We work with corporate clients, ranging from clothing companies to up-market jewellers to French perfumers – from international IT firms to financial services providers to the largest and most successful automotive companies. We also work for advertising, marketing and PR agencies, recreating large-scale campaigns for B2C and B2B clients (take a look in the next section).
All our clients are important – and that includes you.
Corporate and agency clients
For over 30 years
We’ve been transcreation specialists for over 30 years. But we’re not complacent.
On the contrary, our teams are constantly testing themselves, producing even better work, better ideas, finding even more effective ways of achieving the market impact you need. Our experience helps us anticipate your needs and zero in on your target markets.
Our longevity reflects our continuous improvement. Always driven by clients like you.
Transform the impact of your international campaigns
Make sure your words do the work they’re supposed to do.
You’d like a friendly face
We’re good listeners. We know what to listen for. We know what questions to ask you.
You’re hoping for good advice
We’ve been producing high-quality work for heavyweight clients for nearly 30 years. But we’re not arrogant. You want your work to be unique – and we want to help make it so. We already know a lot about your target markets. But for you, we’ll always learn more. While providing you with the benefits of our experience.
You want a partner who’s interested
… not just mouthing reassuring platitudes. As you know, you can’t write good copy unless you’re genuinely interested in the subject. And that’s true of transcreation, too. So we do our research. We soak ourselves in your language – and then in your target audience’s language. To ensure that what you wrote speaks out loud and clear in a new market, a new culture.

You need smart support
One of our clients, a well-known marcomms agency, refers to us as the specialists in “thought translation”.
Your ideas are what drive our ingenuity. We analyse them, draw up our own creative and copy briefs, highlight potential ambiguities, identify key messages and linguistic challenges. And then we write something you can be proud of.
You’re looking for good service
Not obsequious but careless service. Intelligent, thoughtful service. That identifies problems for you, but also suggests intelligent solutions so you can keep moving upward and onward.
You intend to succeed
And we intend to help you. If you do well, we do well. It’s simple: the better the impression you make, the better it reflects on us. That’s the foundation of our reputation for excellence. We care about your success. Because that’s also what makes it fun.
Make the most of your international campaigns…
Download our Top Tips for Successful Multilingual Projects!

Contact us by e-mail
in the UK:
The Word Gym Ltd.
4 Plough Lane
Middlesex UB9 6PF
+44 (0)1895 605 165
or in France:
The Word Gym
Le Bois de la Garde
71250 Buffières
+33 (0)3 85 59 65 25